Spelling Words for Week 7

Below are the spelling words for next week’s test. Remember, your spelling results will be taken into consideration when your Semester One grade is being considered.

  1. recognise
  2. accompaniment
  3. breathalyser
  4. exorbitant
  5. sewerage
  6. simultaneous
  7. vicious
  8. therapeutic
  9. sleuth
  10. nucleus



Week 5 Spelling Words

Here are the words for you to learn for next week’s spelling test. Let’s see how many people can get 10/10.

  1. disappearance
  2. collaborate
  3. castanets
  4. dissect
  5. genuine
  6. slaughter
  7. skeleton
  8. restaurant
  9. millionaire
  10. nutrient

 Look at the menu below to see how important it is to spell words correctly.
